Image of Cédric Moore
Image of Cédric Moore
Image of Cédric Moore



Hey, I'm Omar.

I grew a startup to $2B when I was in college.
Now, I lead marketing at Founders, Inc., a startup incubator in San Francisco. In just two years, we've started companies worth over $100M.

THE DOCK is a free community for founders going from 0 to 1.

Request an invite to see our growth playbooks, join our weekly masterminds, and access our private group chat.

Hey, I'm Omar.

I grew a startup to $2B when I was in college.

Now, I'm building Founders, Inc. — a startup incubator in SF. In just two years, we've started companies worth over $100M.

THE DOCK is a free community of founders going from 0 to 1.

Request an invite to the community to see our growth playbooks, join our weekly masterminds, and access our private group chat.

We'll never spam you. If you're accepted, you'll receive an invite to the platform.

© THE DOCK 2023